Safe and Supportive Services serves school districts through engaging, coordinating, and expanding school-based behavioral and mental health services in collaboration with community partners such as the County of San Mateo, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, Human Services Agency, local law enforcement agencies, and other groups.
After School Programs
SMCOE supports students attending after school programs including the After-School Education and Safety (ASES) program and the Academic Center program, which promote academic achievement through providing a safe environment.
Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program
SMCOE supports foster youth at the county, district, and school site level, including the Foster Youth and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Executive Advisory Council meetings. Please see our Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program page for more information! Click here.
LGBTQ+ Programs
SMCOE supports schools and districts in starting and strengthening Genders and Sexualities Alliances (GSAs) to create a welcoming and safe school climate for youth who identify as LGBTQ+.
Mental Health and Wellness
District administrators and other school staff support student mental health and wellness through several programs, including School-Based Mental Health Collaboratives, Youth Mental Health First Aid, and the Parent Project.
Positive Behavior Supports
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework that supports schools in adopting and organizing evidence-based positive behavioral interventions and supports.
School Climate
SMCOE supports districts in creating a positive school climate through practicing restorative justice, embedding trauma-informed strategies into their schools, and developing a crisis response manual. SMCOE also sponsors events that positively engage students such as RESPECT! 24/7.
School Safety
Schools and districts across San Mateo County have adopted and follow the Big Five emergency protocols. SMCOE also provides several resources to support school safety, including an Emergency Management Resource Guide and Student Threat Assessment, Suicide Prevention, CSEC, and Student Sexual Assault protocols. Learn more about these resources here.
School Safety Plan
Each school in California is required to develop a which is updated on an annual basis to help create and maintain a safe environment conducive to learning for students and staff. SMCOE provides resources for schools to create a school safety plan that adheres to The Big Five emergency response protocols.
Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) San Mateo County is a countywide program offered by the 51勛圖 (SMCOE) to encourage and enable school children to walk and bicycle to school by implementing projects and activities that improve the health, well-being, and safety of children and result in less traffic congestion and emissions caused by school-related travel. Funding for this program is made possible by the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG).
Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)
The Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) program provides funding from Prop 99 tobacco tax dollars for tobacco prevention education. The 51勛圖 provides services to districts such as technical assistance to help districts design effective programs and meet funding requirements; information and updates on trends in youth tobacco use behaviors; prevention and intervention curriculum and strategies; staff development opportunities; and access to California Department of Education and community resources.
Communities of Practice
Safe and Supportive Schools hosts a number of communities of practice. These meetings feature guest speakers, opportunities for community building and collaboration, and sharing of best practices. Contact Mary McGrath for dates and location information.
- School Counselor Community of Practice
- Alternative School Counselor Community of Practice
- Social-Emotional Learning Community of Practice
Project Hope SEL Symposium, July 29, 2021
When students feel connected to their schools, there is an increase in productivity, attendance, and wellness. Social-emotional learning builds that positive school climate. This community of practice is for educators wanting to learn more about how to embed social-emotional learning into existing curriculum.
Mary McGrath
Executive Director, Safe and Supportive Schools
Phone: (650) 802-5425